Individual Therapy

Many people wonder if marriage and family therapists can see individual clients as well.  The short answer is yes!  When you come to see me as an individual, I will still conceptualize your problem systemically, that is, I will view you and your problem in the context of your relationships with others in addition to your symptoms or diagnosis.  Viewing you and your problem as part of a larger system helps facilitate the therapeutic process by bringing the larger context into the discussion of your problem, strengths, and resources.

When a child or teenager is the one with the presenting problem (commonly depression or anxiety), I will usually request that one or both parents attend at least part of the sessions too.  I find that the child or teen typically benefits from the added closeness to their parent developed by involving them in the problem solving or healing process.

When individual adults seek therapy alone, I will often ask questions about other family members or friends in their life to get a better sense of the problem.  I will also be curious about relationships to work, school, church, and other systems to get a sense of how this problem manifests itself in different areas of life.

Working with a therapist individually allows you to take time to process your emotions and find solutions to your problems.  It can help you feel less alone and give you the support you need to help you find balance in your life.

If you are interested in individual therapy, book your first appointment below or contact me for more information.