Boundary Setting & Relationship Issues

Sometimes people are unhappy in their relationships but couples counseling is not a good fit.  Often if there is ongoing abuse, current infidelity by either person, or you or your partner have an active addiction which causes deception and secrecy in the relationship, it can be more beneficial to begin working through these issues in individual therapy.

If you are feeling resentful in your relationship, there is a good chance that one of your boundaries is being violated.  Many clients find therapy beneficial to clarify intentions and desires for the relationship, improve assertiveness and communication skills, and learn how to set and maintain appropriate boundaries.  Setting boundaries does not mean making ultimatums for your partner—it means deciding what is healthy for you and learning how to act in a way that is in line with your values.

Boundary setting is not a skill reserved for romantic relationships.  Many clients struggle with setting boundaries with their young kids or adult children, parents and extended families, friends, or employers.  If you would like to learn how to make your personal relationships healthier, book your first appointment or contact me for more information.