My recommendation this month is especially for women in abusive relationships.  If you find yourself wondering if you are being emotionally abused, this book will help you gain the clarity that you are seeking.  The author, Lundy Bancroft, does a phenomenal job of explaining how elements like power, control, respect (or lack thereof), and entitlement come together in some men so that they are physically or emotionally abusive to their partners.  

This book is so quotable and Bancroft doesn’t pull any punches when describing and explaining what emotional abuse looks like.  Even if you are not being abused in your current relationship, I think it is important for all the single ladies to understand red flags to look out for when dating.  

Bancroft is very frank and honest about the odds of your partner changing his behavior and how to safely get out of an abusive relationship.  

You may be wondering why this book is only about abusive men.  Yes, women have the ability to cause great emotional harm and even perpetrate physical abuse, but due to the difference in size and strength between men and women, men are generally able to elicit more fear and intimidation.  Men are also more likely to have other forms of power such as financial control or patriarchal authority.  

This book is a great place to start to explore abusive dynamics, but this is not a journey you should be on alone.  Seek the help of trusted friends, family, and a good therapist to help you on your way.